Where in The World is B…Bit…BitDAX?

Or was it CoinMEX…? It is obvious that the crypto exchanges love the letter “B” and the words like “Bit” or “Coin”. I am still a little bit confused which one is Bitfinex or Bittrex. Luckily, the worldwide internet is bursting with useful information competing for our scarce attention.

CoinMarketCap’s Rankings

One great source of information is CoinMarketCap.com (CMC). They aggregate trading volumes data to generate a 24 hour ranking of the ~150 crypto exchanges. Based on their stats and extensive searching, I collected public information about the locations of the top exchanges. Using JavaScript and API, I manipulated Google Maps to generate the map below. In some cases, the location of the HeadQuarters (HQ) is differentiated from the Incorporation (Inc.) juridstiction.

Note that I have deduced some of these locations from information in job postings which may or may not be available on exchange websites any longer.

These are the exchanges placed on the map below:

Click (Tap) Clusters to Zoom In

… and don’t forget to go fishin for some coin in the British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands or Belize. BitMEX is a great example — their headquarters are assumed to be in Hong Kong whereas the company is registered in the Seychelles:

Interested in programming and trading?

Indulge your curiosity with this summary of the API technologies that the exchanges have made available to their customers.

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